JOURNAL by Captain Furneaux, of the "Adventure," in company with the "Resolution," in Captain Cook's second voyage round the world; 13 July, 1772-3 Mar. [1773]; with corrections by Captain Cook. Paper. Folio. 13 Jul 1772-[3 Mar 1773]


JOURNAL by Captain Furneaux, of the "Adventure," in company with the "Resolution," in Captain Cook's second voyage round the world; 13 July, 1772-3 Mar. [1773]; with corrections by Captain Cook. Paper. Folio. 13 Jul 1772-[3 Mar 1773]

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SNAC Resource ID: 6525267

Related Entities

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Furneaux, Tobias, 1735-1781 (person)

Born in Swilly, a district of Plymouth, Devon, England, on 21 August 1735, he was Commander of the "Adventure" during James Cook's second voyage to the Pacific and visited Adventure Bay, Bruny Island, in Tasmania for four days from 9 March 1773. He was also a botanical collector and took some seeds and specimens from this area during the visit. He died back in England on 19 September 1781. From the description of Coastal chart, 1773. 1773. (Libraries Australia). WorldCat record id: 2...

Cook, R. James, 1937 (person)

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